The 4th Research Workshop of ”Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku"
開催概要/About the Workshop
開催日時/DateFriday, February 21, 2025 10:00-17:30
Onsite with some One-Way Webcast Services.
AKIBA HALL and Reception Hall, AKIBA PLAZA 5th floor
- JR線 秋葉原駅 中央改札口より徒歩2分
- つくばエクスプレス線秋葉原駅 A3出口より徒歩1分
- 東京メトロ日比谷線秋葉原駅 2番出口より徒歩3分
- 2minutes walk from JR Akihabara Station Central Gate.
- 1minutes walk from Tsukuba Express Akihabara Station Exit A3
- 3minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Hibiya-line Akihabara Station Exit 2
主催:高度情報科学技術研究機構 (RIST)
後援:国立研究開発法人 理化学研究所計算科学研究センター
Planner: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT), Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku
Organizer: Research Organization for Information Science and Technology(RIST)
Supporter: RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)
In oral session, the materials will be in English and the talk will be in Japanese.
Programs are subject to change.
時間/Time | 内容/Contents |
10:00-10:05 | Opening 文部科学省 「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム 領域総括 高橋 桂子 |
10:05-11:35 | Panel Discussion / パネルディスカッション ポスト「富岳」への期待 ~若手研究者の視点から~(仮称) モデレータ:「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム 領域総括 常行 真司 パネリスト:笠松 秀輔 (山形大学) 亀谷 幸憲 (明治大学) 信夫 愛 (大阪大学) 藤田 航平 (東京大学) 森脇 可奈 (東京大学) |
Lunch Time | |
Oral Session / 口頭発表 座長:「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム 領域総括 藤井 孝藏 | |
12:45-13:15 | Development of a smart in-situ visualization environment for efficient knowledge acquisition from large-scale numerical simulations / Naohisa Sakamoto 大規模数値シミュレーションからの効率的な知見獲得を目指したスマートin-situ可視化環境の開発 / 坂本 尚久(神戸大学大学院システム情報学研究科)
Recently, in-situ visualization, in which simulation and visualization are performed simultaneously, has been attracting attention as a method to compensate for the shortcomings of scientific visualization in large-scale numerical simulations on a supercomputer scale. However, this method requires a great deal of time and effort to identify interesting phenomena from a large number of visualized images output from a highly accurate simulation. Our research group is developing a method to efficiently and automatically visualize important clues for scientific analysis and interpretation of phenomena reproduced by numerical simulations, aiming to realize a smart in-situ visualization environment that can reduce the time required to obtain scientific knowledge from numerical simulations. In this talk, I will discuss my research group's past efforts and latest research results on in-situ visualization.
13:15-13:45 | Sunspot fine structure revealed with Fugaku / Hideyuki Hotta 「富岳」で明らかにする太陽黒点の微細構造 / 堀田 英之(名古屋大学)
The Sun is an interesting object in which plasma and magnetic fields interact at various scales and whose details can be observed. The most characteristic structure is the sunspot. Although sunspots have been observed for a very long time, the origin of the fine structures known as penumbra and Evershed flows has not been clarified. We will present these fine structures realized by the super-high-resolution simulations achieved at Fugaku. We will also present the activities of our group. |
13:45-14:15 | Sim2Real materials informatics with automated molecular simulation for polymer materials / Yoshihiro Hayashi 自動分子シミュレーションを用いた高分子材料におけるSim2Realマテリアルズインフォマティクス / 林 慶浩(統計数理研究所)
To overcome the lack of experimental data in data-driven polymer materials research, we have created RadonPy, an automated molecular simulation system, and a polymer properties database with more than 100,000 data using the Fugaku supercomputer. Research on materials informatics with simulation-to-real (Sim2Real) transfer learning for integrated analysis of computational and experimental data will be presented. |
Break | |
14:30-15:30 | Poster Session -1st Core time for questions-List ポスターセッション(質疑対応コアタイム前半) |
15:30-16:30 | Poster Session -2nd Core time for questions-List ポスターセッション(質疑対応コアタイム後半) |
16:30-17:10 | Poster Session -Free time-List ポスターセッション(フリータイム) |
17:10-17:25 | Next Generation Researcher Award Ceremony 次世代研究者賞 授与式 |
17:25-17:30 | Closing |
ポスター一覧/List of Posters
情報は都度更新いたします。Information will be updated as needed.
赤背景コアタイム前半 14:30-15:30 / With red background: the 1st Core time for questions, 14:30-15:30
青背景コアタイム後半 15:30-16:30 / With blue background: the 2nd Core time for questions, 15:30-16:30
Poster number | Name Title |
01-119 | Naoyuki KarasawaVideo AFM image segmentation guided flexible fitting for structural inference of intrinsically disordered proteins |
02-314 | Shun NanjoVideo The Integration of Adaptive Experimental Design and automated polymer physical property calculations : Discovery of polymers with High Refractive Index and High Abbe Number |
03-320 | Taichi HattoriVideo Development of a highly efficient basis function-based KEEP scheme in a low B/F environment for post-Fugaku |
04-325 | Reo KitaVideo Magnetic properties of binary alloys under finite temperature: A first-principles study |
05-325 | Ryoya HiramatsuVideo Finite Temperature Magnetic Properties in FeCoNi Alloys: A First Principles Study |
06-406 | Keiya HirashimaVideo First High-Resolution Galaxy Simulations Accelerated by an AI-based Surrogate Model for Supernovae |
07-406 | Ken'yo UVideo Evolution of Lunar Interior Revealed by Supercomputing on "Fugaku": 3-D Modeling of a Coupled Magmatism-Mantle Convection System |
08-409 | Benjamin J. ChoiVideo Machine Learning Estimation on the Trace of Inverse Dirac Operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression |
09-409 | Ryutaro TsujiVideo Nucleon structures in large-volume lattice QCD at the physical point |
10-409 | Yan LyuVideo Lattice QCD study of the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc |
11-409 | Akio TomiyaVideo Transformer for lattice QCD |
12-411 | Kotaro MurakamiVideo Search for the genuine pentaquark from the first-principle calculation of QCD |
13-411 | Naoyuki YamamoriVideo The transition from 10D spacetime predicted in string theory to 4D spacetime |
下記からご登録ください。現地参加は2/14(金)23:59 JST、オンライン参加は2/19(水)23:59 JSTにて締め切らせていただきます。Please register below.
Deadlines: On-site Rregistration at 23:59 p.m. JST on Friday, February 14. On-line Rregistration at 23:59 p.m. JST on Wednesday, February 19.
過去の開催記録/Record of Past Events
- 第3回「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム研究交流会/The 3rd Research Workshop of ”Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku"
- 第2回「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム研究交流会/The 2nd Research Workshop of ”Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku"
- 第1回「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム研究交流会/The 1st Research Workshop of ”Program for Promoting Research on the Supercomputer Fugaku"
(一財)高度情報科学技術研究機構(RIST) 研究支援部 研究交流会事務局
Research Organization for Information Science and Technology(RIST)
(ristの前の.を@にしてください/Put "." in front of "rist". to "@")